The Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) announced today that the “Property Management Services (Licensing and Related Matters) Regulation” has passed the “negative vetting” legislative procedure. The Licensing Regime for Property Management Companies (PMCs) and Property Management Practitioners (PMPs) (Licensing Regime) will be implemented from 1 August 2020. Starting from Monday, 27 July, appointment can be made online at PMSA’s website for making licence application on or after 1 August.
Licensing Regime
Through the formulation and implementation of a Licensing Regime dedicated to the property management (PM) industry in Hong Kong and other complementary measures, the aim is to encourage and assist the PM industry and its practitioners to strive for enhancement in quality and professionalism. Under the Licensing Regime, there are two types of licences :
- “Property Management Company Licence”
PMCs providing PM services falling within more than one category under the seven categories of PM services as stipulated in the Property Management Services Ordinance (Cap. 626) are required to be licensed. Criteria for holding a PMC licence include the engagement of a specified number of full-time licensed PMPs.
- “Property Management Practitioner Licence”
There are two types of licence for PMPs, namely PMP (Tier 1) and PMP (Tier 2) licence. PMPs assuming managerial or supervisory roles in PMCs are subject to licensing and have to comply with requirements in respect of academic and/or professional qualifications as stipulated in the criteria for holding a PMP licence. Frontline PM staff are not required to hold PMP licences. Applicant for PMP (Tier 1) licence must be a member of a “Recognized Professional Body”. The PMSA has currently recognized six professional bodies.
Mr Tony TSE, the PMSA Chairperson said, “I wish to express my gratitude to the Members of the PMSA and staff of the Executive Office for their efforts in preparing the subsidiary legislation and in the implementation work in relation to the Licensing Regime, as well as the support of the industry stakeholders and members of the general public to the implementation of the Licensing Regime. I hereby appeal to PMCs and PMPs for them to apply for licences as soon as possible and join hands together for enhancing the quality and professionalism of the PM industry, as well as providing the community with quality and professional PM services.”
Transitional Arrangements
There will be a three-year transitional period (i.e. starting from 1 August 2020) to allow the industry sufficient time to adapt to the launch of the Licensing Regime. During the transitional period, PMCs and PMPs may choose, but are not required, to be licensed. Non-licenced PMCs/PMPs can continue to operate/ practise during the transitional period, while the following arrangements will be made available:
- “Provisional Property Management Practitioner Licence”
PMPs who do not meet the licensing requirements in respect of academic and/or professional qualifications but possess the relevant work experience may apply for provisional PMP licences with a validity period of up to three years.
- “PMSA Specified Course”
A Provisional PMP licensee is required to complete a “PMSA Specified Course” within the validity of the provisional licence. Upon completion of the course, the licensee, with specified work experience as stipulated in the criteria for holding a PMP licence, may apply for a formal licence without having to comply with the requirements in respect of academic and/or professional qualifications. The PMSA has appointed four post-secondary institutions to provide the PMSA Specified Courses.
For more details about the Lisencing Regime, please refer to the following webpages at PMSA website:
No. | Item | QR Code | No. | Item | QR Code |
1. | Property Management Company Licence | ![]() |
4. | Provisional Property Management Practitioner Licence | ![]() |
2. | Property Management Practitioner Licence | ![]() |
5. | PMSA Recognized Professional Body | ![]() |
3. | Transitional Arrangements | ![]() |
6. | PMSA Specified Course | ![]() |
Ends/Monday, 20 July 2020
Issued at HKT 17:30