Unethical or unlawful acts or practices in the provision of property management services not only will jeopardise property owners’ interests, but also will affect the quality of the property management services provided or even generate possible safety hazards to property owners. To remind property owners, property management companies and practitioners to stay alert to unlawful and unethical conducts, the PMSA and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) have jointly prepared the “Property Management Corruption Prevention Red Flags” pamphlet. This pamphlet sets out the common red flags found in four main areas of the property management sector, namely “Procurement of Goods and Services”, “Complaint Handing”, “Financial Management” and “Human Resources Management”, in order to facilitate all stakeholders concerned to timely identify corruption problems and implement preventive measures.
For more corruption prevention related information pertaining to property management, please visit the Integrity and Quality Building Management webpage of the ICAC.